No I am not on welfare, or social security. I am not a vet. I am a normal mother of four. I have been a stay at home mom on and off for 14 years. My husband God bless him wants me to get a job. He works very hard at a thankless job. He is my hero but that's not what this is about. He wants me to get a "mick" job. Is that what I want? No! I want something that I am not ashamed to admit I work there. In this day its not something that you want to admit, Hey I work at McDonalds flipping burgers. I dont want to work in fast food, I dont want to work at a gas station. I dont even want to work at a bank. I am 33 years old and I would like to think I have made it further in life. So where do I want to work? Somewhere I can use my creativity and have an opinion. I was going to work for this online company but during my third interview I was asked if I was going to be available 24 hours a day. No of course I am not, I have children whom are not going to spend their lives being cared for by someone else. I dont trust people enough with my kids. Too many bad guys out there that want to hurt people. I have a certain number of hours to work, 8am to 5pm and thats it. My kids do matter to me a great deal, their education matters to me. I want them to be the best and be great members to this crazy ass society. I know reading this it sounds like I dont want a job, your right I dont. I do want to be better off financially. I want to give my kids more, I want my husband to be able to go and buy things he likes. I have given my life to my kids and family. I have been mommy for 14 years, some say I lost me. I didnt lose me I just reinvented the old me. How do parents do it? How do you balance family and work. How do you work for a place that you dont believe in? I guess I could write a book or two.
I have had a very interesting life. I think the things I have to say is interesting. Are you interested? Do you want to know more about me? who knows.
I have dreams. I see shapes in the clouds. I sing in my car out of tune and humm the words I dont know. I like to talk to my husband and kids about what would I do if we had millions of dollars.
Even with tons of money I dont want a lot of shiney flashy things. a nice house in the woods with lots of land to grow a garden on.
I need a job, because I just cant seem to win the lottery.
have a nice day.