Friday, March 12, 2010

still out with my teeth

well this week has been horrible. I had my last two wisdom teeth extracted. one was horizontal impacted. I got put under for the procedure took about 30 minutes. got home and popped the pain pills crawled into bed.. and pretty much did that for the last three days. I would have done it again today but my hubby has to go back to work sometime. right? I did go out with my hubby yesterday and got a new purse. second purse in my whole life. lol. its cute though. my other purse was dark and not very girly. that is a huge complaint of my hubbys is that I am not girly enough. I have always been sort of tom boyish. I am the girl with the brown hair and freckles. heck I am still the woman with brown hair and freckles, the one that built tire swings and ran around barefoot. is that tom boy or red neck lol I forget the difference. on the other side I hate dirt, I do not like getting dirty. 
I like to bake and paint, I like to write and research. I am a unique person in some ways. I love classical music it just sings to my soul. but on the other hand I like rock and country too. any way about other things

I want to try and do some meditating like 30 minutes a day I think it would be good for me to be at peace for 30 minutes a day and let my brain rest.
I am hoping to be back into the swing of things monday but no promises. lord knows how busy I am lately. or my excuses are just that good? who knows...

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