Friday, January 15, 2010

follow the beat

To find your workout rhythm use music. I find I get a better workout using high beat music. You just notice that your working out less and kind of like dancing. Before you know it your done. Change your music often because just like doing the same old thing over and over gets boring. Any way things that are more important... Results
I am down another pound. I wont measure until Sunday though. I feel like its working for me. I am not dropping massive pounds which leads me to believe that the pounds I am losing are 100% fat. Go me. I am glad I am doing this the right way. I eat what I want when I want it and still lose weight. I just cant diet. its just too hard to stick to a eating plan. just make sure your eating because your hungry and not because your sad, bored, mad, depressed. See that is how I got to where I am now because every time I was sad , bored , mad or depressed I would run to the pantry or fridge. Its hard to break habits like that. Eating your feelings only works for so long before your just eating more and more to get that fix. Food can be a drug, I have used it like that for a long time.
After seeing a Christmas photo I decided to change it. I started going to counseling to deal with problems, and blogging when I am upset or hurt, or what ever emotion I am feeling. On New Years Day I didnt say my resolution was to lose weight (even though I would like to) its to be a better me. To be satisfied with me no matter what size I am. I want to be healthy and the first step to being healthy is loving yourself enough to care. Then exercise. Love is always first. Everything else just follows. So for 2010 I am going to be a better me.
Better mom, better wife, better friend.

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