Sunday, February 28, 2010

totally slacking

on my blog and on my exercise. Yesterday was a rough day, I have low blood pressure (hypotension) yesterday it was dragging my energy down fast. running about 82/49 with a pulse rate of 65, and I was getting dizzy. Well I have been getting dizzy for a couple of days. I checked my blood glucose levels (used hubbys meter  he is diabetic not me) the level wasn't bad 71 which is still in the normal. I think below 70 is when you need to eat something with sugar.  I ate sugar some small piece of sugar, then I had a sugar free (yes I know that doesnt help glucose levels lol) rockstar to bring up my BP. I have trouble keeping my BP up these days. I dont like salt just a little salt and I swell up like a water balloon. So point is I did not want to exercise. I was so very tired.
I do plan on doing some boxing today then the gym tomorrow. I have to get going on this or I wont be looking very good this summer.  I have been eating lots of rice lately too its really helping me with upping my fiber ( wild rice), I added fresh mozzarella for calcium , walnuts for omega 3, fresh tomatoes for lycopene (inhibits heart disease) , and asparagus for fiber. Its an excellent combination of food. I will post a picture of it later.
So that is it. I am going to watch little women later and get in some serious steps in as well as a boxing workout out. My outlook for today is positive, I can conquer what ever I desire.

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